Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Shows I watched Wednesday 3/7/12

Switched at Birth: The newest episode is a lot of the same ole' same ole' is Bay and Emmett going to make it as a couple, whats going to happen with the book, Will Regina stay hung up over Angelo. It does get quite repetitive in an entertaining way. I am not going to spoil the ending but it had my jaw dropped to the floor. I could not believe that twist they put in and I am excited to see how they handle it in next weeks episode.

Supernatural: This show still freaks me out, and the plot gets deeper and more complex each episode in. Sam has telepathic abilities and found another boy with similar abilities who's mother was killed in the exact same way. I have no idea where they are going to go with the plot in the future but I just have to say its one of those shows that keeps me at the edge of my seat.

Celtic Thunder: I am a huge fan of the singing group Celtic thunder and have been for a long time. The singing voices on those men just make me melt! I am not too thrilled with the newest cast, I miss the old group, but they are all amazing singers and I am sure once I get use to them I will love them just as much as the originals.

Criminal Minds: This show makes me so paranoid because any of the scenarios could happen and half the time its the normal people out there. Makes me wonder if even blogging is safe. And the show always connects something about the job to the characters personal lives. It is a very well done show but I cannot watch it too often or I would never go out in public and make new friends.

I watched this video on Facebook today, a friend linked it to me and it really got me thinking about how little attention I pay to the world outside of me. I am very sad for the lives the children leave and I hope that justice is served and the man is stopped.

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